
Thursday, July 28, 2005


Peg 回應質疑












Peg ﹕虧你為人師表﹐居然厚顏無恥到這樣






Saturday, July 09, 2005



回應文章: 對教牧和信徒的呼籲 回應者: Verona







回應文章: 抗議時代論壇不聽從VeroNa及Ken S.所言,向同志惡勢力讓步!!! 回應者: 言

VeroNa和Ken S.說得對,為保聖潔和清白,時代論壇應將所有同志基督徒言論驅逐出論壇,否則勢必為教會眾人所唾棄!!!!!!


Saturday, July 02, 2005




Ken_S 香港 Hong Kong 2005-04-20 21:53:12

To Ken S: Please study some church history.

Do you know what John Calvin did when he ruled Geneva? – Burn his opponent alive!
Do you know that Martin Luther supported military action against non-Lutherans?
Do you know who persecuted the pilgrims and forced them to come to the US? Not Catholics, not atheists, but the “official” protestant church!
Do you know that the concept of “holy war” was invented by Augustine? – This was way before the era of the Catholic Church.
Read your church history before making such statement!

「愛裡沒有懼怕」反性傾向歧視立法禱告聯署 ﹕ 一些教會及教牧的回應

Subject: 宣道會各教牧同工 -- 敬請注意




總幹事:姚添壽 謹上

Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 11:02 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Fw: 【請廣傳】愛裡沒有懼怕--禱文聯署; 我反對簽署


此外,他們的禱文底下假設反對立法是由於"恐同" (homophobia),又用弱勢社群、鄰舍等字眼

Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2005 5:49 PM
Subject: RE: 【請廣傳】愛裡沒有懼怕--禱文聯署; 我反對簽署


Posted by 佚名Anonymous 香港 Hong Kong 2005-06-27 15:17:29

佚名Anonymous 香港 Hong Kong 2005-06-28 00:59:53








祝 神恩常與你同在。

xxxx 謹上


閱家長一文, 義正嚴詞, 用真理為原則, 但我想知, 基督徒不是以聖經為真理嗎, 是神所默示嗎, 但經家長一提, 原來聖經不是全部都是真理, 要分開部份是真理, 部份是當時文化背景的訊息或教導, 不依也絕無問題. .
我想知是誰決定聖經內那一句是真理, 那一句不是,
例如經上記著說:[創 17:10]
請問這是真理定古時的事, 但這是上帝親自講, 並且是與以後的人類立約. 不能輕視, 但現今又有幾多所謂持守聖經真理之基督徒尊守呢.
問多一句, 不知家長你有沒有守行割禮之真理呢.
聖經教導我們[太 23:12]凡自高的,必降為卑;自卑的,必升為高。
凡自持手執真理的人,更需要學會放下自己, 不要以為你已擁有真理 如有得罪之處, 請諒.
中年人 香港 Hong Kong 2005-06-13 00:20:51

很多謝 中年人 你的回應,可能你還不太認識什麽叫做真理,更不清楚聖經中的某些基本結構。

原則啟示 --- 就是永恆不變而且包括所有人適用的啟示,如因信稱義、信而受洗必然得救、罪的審判、永生的祝福、所有關於義的 ( 如信實、愛人如己、認罪悔改….等) 與所有關於不義的 ( 如姦淫、苦毒、不悔改…等) 的定論劃分等等。
個人啟示 --- 就是特定在某時代某環境某些或某個人的指定啟示,如主耶穌叫彼得行海面,及吩咐門徙到指定的地方去下網打魚、神啟示摩西用杖打磐石出水、行割禮、女子蒙頭、神命亞伯拉罕殺子獻祭…等等。

你為何不去行香港海面?你為何不去用棍打石頭出水?你為何不殺你的兒子獻祭…這都是神的命令啊! 唉!
家長 香港 Hong Kong 2005-06-13 23:15:46

中年人 香港 Hong Kong 2005-06-14 01:18:06
看了你的回應, 你告訴了世人知

1. 你沒有按你所自持的聖經真理而行 -- 守割禮
2. 你被我剌傷了, 抱歉, 請諒 – 當你按聖經真理批評同性戀時, 你卻被別人揭穿了你另一面又不按聖經真理守割禮. 講白一些, 又一個假冒為善的人.
另外真係好想請教你是按那一節聖經將聖經的真理分為原則啟示及個人啟示, 及你還有沒有更多分割真理的方法, 若下次又被人揭穿或批評時又使出秘技 -- 第三, 第四或....種劃分真理的方法.

其實就算依你的劃分, 如果你能心平氣和, 再一次虛心看一看聖經, 守割禮不是向個人, 而是向全人類, 世世代代所講, [創 17:9]神又對亞伯拉罕說:“你和你的後裔必世世代代遵守我的約。請問世世代代是否很明確地表明是原則啟示呢, 並不如你所舉的個人啟示的例子 -- 彼得行海面般, 你對聖經的理解要再重新學習了, 但如果你喜歡修改聖經, 修改上帝的話語, 咁真理真是在你手了.
家長兄, 請不要動怒, 你用聖經批評/論斷同性戀者, 可能是基於你對聖經的理解, 我原意不是要反對你(但你因動氣了而誤解我的意思), 因每人都有自由意志及思想, 這正是上主給每一個人的上好禮物, 耶穌當日與稅吏和罪人一同坐蓆, 交談, 反而批評那些假冒為善的法利賽人, 我真心希望你不要學法利賽人, 前車可鑑. 不要以為自己已學會了<很簡單的主日學聖經基礎常識>便自以為是.
<你為何不去行香港海面?你為何不去用棍打石頭出水?你為何不殺你的兒子獻祭…這都是神的命令啊!>無錯, (除第一項去行香港海面外, 你又修改聖經,下次吾好啦, 求上帝原諒你)這些都是上帝的命令, 為何你不尊行呢, 而只尊守反對同性戀這一條呢? 唉!

我幫你答, 因真理在你手, 喜歡尊行那一節都得, 因自己不尊行的便是個人啟示, 雖然都係上帝所講之真理, 但可以不理.
送一節聖經給你: 虛心的人有福了,因為天國是他們的。

虞瑋倩 香港 Hong Kong 2005-06-14 01:42:46

>很多謝 中年人 你的回應,可能你還不太認識什麽叫做真理,更不清楚聖經中的某些基本結構。

1) 你憑什麼認為對付不太認識什麼叫“真理”﹖
2) 聖經就只有66卷﹐從來沒有說它所謂“基本結構”﹐你這些所謂基本結構﹐是誰作出來的﹖誰可以證明是真理﹖


>原則啟示 --- 就是永恆不變而且包括所有人適用的啟示,如因信稱義、信而受洗必然得救、罪的審判、永生
>的祝福、所有關於義的 ( 如信實、愛人如己、認罪悔改….等) 與所有關於不義的 ( 如姦淫、苦毒、不悔
>改…等) 的定論劃分等等。
>個人啟示 --- 就是特定在某時代某環境某些或某個人的指定啟示,如主耶穌叫彼得行海面,及吩咐門徙到指



>你為何不去行香港海面?你為何不去用棍打石頭出水?你為何不殺你的兒子獻祭…這都是神的命令啊! 唉!


中年人,你開始語無論次了!家長 香港 Hong Kong 2005-06-14 21:33:45
中年人 啊!我如何已被你揭穿?我看不到你揭穿了我甚麽。我怎麼樣使出秘技?降魔十ハ掌?誰只尊守反對同性戀這一條?是你嗎?誰在批評/論斷同性戀者?又是你嗎?你開始語無論次了,看來動怒的似乎是你呢!還以為你是成年人思想已經成熟,應該會明白像主日學般那樣簡單的聖經基礎常識,但看到你自以為是的言論實在令我太失望了!

家長 -- 如果你在我教會﹐我會是你主日學的老師。虞瑋倩 香港 Hong Kong 2005-06-14 23:36:20
你所謂什麼“聖經基礎”知識﹐不過是你repeat 一個老師的說話﹐但實際你所謂“個人啟示”﹑“原則啟示”的分野﹐不是好像你說得那麼膚淺﹑皮毛。

虞瑋倩 香港 Hong Kong 2005-06-14 23:42:24


>中年人 啊!我如何已被你揭穿?我看不到你揭穿了我甚麽。我怎麼樣使出秘技?降魔十ハ掌?誰只尊守反對



> 乜你很喜歡剌傷人嗎?當日主耶穌就是被法利賽人假基督徒刺死的,行真理的確實會被假基督徒刺的,我早


> 你似乎完全不明白割禮在舊約與新約中的意義,卻以為自己拿到了甚麽寶貝可刺傷人的長矛似的,你反而

D “人豬戀”你就得﹐聖經知識﹑神學﹐你小心別亂說。

“啟示類別” 的分野﹐係視乎不同宗派傳統的說法﹐根本基督教沒有一致意見。你根本就沒有全面認識基督教歷史﹑教義歷史﹐就自以為你學的那一套是“正宗”﹐簡直是井底之蛙的淺見。


就上面你這樣說﹐你根本就沒有那種理解能力把握“中年人”君質疑的是什麼。他根本沒有說“喜歡割禮”。上面那一句﹐討論上面是叫 cheap shot。
回送你一段經文: 愚 昧 人 若 靜 默 不 言 、 也 可 算 為 智 慧 . 閉 口 不 說 、 也 可 算 為 聰 明。

中年人 香港 Hong Kong 2005-06-15 02:38:40

今次不是被我剌穿, 而係比我看穿

我都話當你再被人剌傷或批評時, 你又會出秘技, 今次你用的秘技是<顧左右而言它>,你對我向你的提問- 從那一節聖經教我們分聖經的真理為原則啟示及個人啟示, 正如你所講的好簡單的聖經知識, 但看完你的文章, 竟找不到任何簡單的解釋, 只是講來講去都話簡單, 好簡單, 再吾係就叫人查下書,

家長兄, 其實人少少, 你吾識就認, 我都係吾識 我吾會怪你, 早知你吾識, 就吾問你.免你出醜, 吾好意思, 不過你又係, 之前就吾好吹到自己咁勁啦. 重以為你實識簡單的聖經問題.
今次不再問你問題啦, 比你休息下, 怕你又吾識答, 無謂又令你啞口無言, 講過故事你聽, 輕鬆下.
有一日, 孩子甲問家長乙, 聖經的三位一體是怎樣解的, 為何聖經沒有一節提過三位一體的字詞呢, 家長乙一時答不出, 被孩子甲問得啞口無言, 如何下台呢.

好彩, 這時有一位家長丙出現, 他即時將一位叫家長的人在時代論壇的回應文章給家長乙看, 家長乙即時明白了, 於是家長乙即時指責孩子甲問甚麼呀, 咁簡單的問題都吾明, 吾明就吾好問, 自己查下書, 再吾明, 再查啦, 查到明為止, 我吾會答你, 因我識你吾識, 不過我死都吾答, 於是就飛快跑離現場, 心裡感謝神, 好彩走得快, 興幸自己沒有被孩子發現原來自己係吾識. 不過下次要小心, 少上網, 多看聖經, 充實自己.

其實, 如果你下次被人批評到啞口無言, 可以採用更高更玄的一招, 就係從此消失, 再用另一身份在論壇復活. 包保無人知道你原來是無料到.

希望下次見到你的文章, 比心機, 吾識吾緊要, 虛心向別人請教, 記住要不恥下問呀.
後記: 家長, 如果你查完書, 或上完主日學, 記得答一答那一節聖經教我們分真理為原則啟示及個人啟示, 不過如果你真係吾識就算啦, 吾好勉強自己, 即是叫你吾好作野或改聖經來答.

奇文之最﹕一個小故事 (家長)

在某個城市有班人他們對異性沒有興趣,但對猪卻充滿着愛情,理由只得一個就是我喜愛啊!於是與那些猪成為情人而發展人獸戀, 但他們與那猪所發生的畸戀使到他失去了某些利益,因別人害怕他們與那猪的畸戀所帶來的性病(猪滋病)及不道德行為,有些人不願租屋給他,也有些人不敢聘請他エ作等,於是那班同猪戀者就指責他們岐視。此時!卻有一班盲了心眼胸口掛着愛是盲目的,為招牌之人仕出現了,他們為那同猪戀者大發慈悲(痴悲)因為他們自稱懂得愛,大叫着!愛是凡事包容(縱容)不論人獸戀、畸戀、亂倫戀、同性戀等,只要是個人喜歡我們都應尊重他啊!因為我們了解體諒他們爭扎與矛盾那痛苦的感受,(縱使他們在某些地方橫行霸道) 但卻指他們是弱勢啊!!那同猪戀者的愛情我們應專重他,體諒他們戀猪的感受!不必憂慮他們所帶來的性病 (猪滋病) 或對下一代造成導德敗懷之後果,這都是不重要之事情,那理他錯或對最重要是他喜歡其他人就必須要尊重他,其他人縱使因此而受到他的損害也是應當的!愛情就是沒有規限的啊!以 邵國華 所言,可以教導下一代同性戀與異性戀都是一樣美好的方法,去教導下一代同猪戀與異性戀也是一樣美好的。

而在同時也有一班反對的人仕出現,卻被他們嘲笑着 乜你吔咁 Out 架!現在同性戀都可以有合法保障了,以同樣道理那同猪戀及其它亂倫戀、畸戀、狗戀者等的活動就都是合情合理可以諒解的了,當然也可以立法受到保障啊!好心你哋跟吓屬世潮流走啦!那些假基督徙支持者大喊着!同猪戀不一定會落地獄的!

2005-05-05 21:35:40

虞瑋倩 香港 Hong Kong 2005-05-06 00:23:41




有時候﹐我堅決地因人廢言﹐原因是我認識留言者﹐知道對方確實是假弟兄﹐表面理性但另有目的﹐這種人我只會批判或ignore他﹐揭發他﹐避免其他基督徒被他迷惑﹐尤其初信徒(印刷版時代論壇有學生或神學生版價的﹐不是沒有初信徒來網絡時代論壇的)。 如果-----只是一項假設-----你意思是叫我不要因以利達這類人而廢言﹐跟同志基督徒-以利達這類人理性對話﹐那麼﹐我永遠做不到。我已經非常理性地勸導過他(To 同志基督徒●以利達﹕ 要信得過上帝呀﹗)﹐但他死不悔改﹐其實他早已選擇背道﹐故意犯罪。凡遇以利達這類人﹐我堅決‘因人廢言’﹐不再對話。

Ken_S 2005-05-07 21:13:12
這就叫聖潔得不可接觸﹑敬虔得不需要對話﹑屬靈得不需要聆聽的。。。。法利賽人 (貓按)


2005-05-20 10:24:16

回聖潔的心: 怎可以把同性戀等同強姦非禮!
mememto mori 2005-05-21 01:08:45
虞瑋倩 香港 Hong Kong 2005-05-23 00:17:18

而加係講緊﹐到底當人地既所所為有違反聖經既地方﹐係唔係一個強烈既理由畀基督徒去剝奪人地權利﹑係唔係基督徒可以用“指出對方有罪”為理由﹐進而鼓吹社會其他人對這些人進行各樣打擊 (例如暴力﹑例如在工作/使用設施留難他們)

榆林書店嚴正聲明 - 裡面的討論


2005-04-27 16:23:34

回應﹕虞瑋倩 2005-04-29 10:24:00


By “因信稱義”2005-04-17 17:12:03

XOX2005-04-18 15:29:07
設身處地想想,If 自己的子女 is 同性戀者, 你樂於見到自己的子女被歧視嗎?
I think the world would be a better place if there is no discrimination.
From a parent point of view, if my child grow up to be gay or lesbian, I wouldn't want someone to discriminate against them based on some very prejudice personal belief.
No one could teach a child to be straight or gay, they will develop their own sexual orientation in their own time.
There is no excuse for discrimination. The cross should not be used as an excuse for discriminatory behaviors.

基督徒歧視同性戀者,基督徒 please悔改 佚名Anonymous 2005-04-18 16:42:08
Comparing homosexuals to drug addicts is already insulting and discriminating against homosexuals.

How do you like other people to compare Christians to Nazi, or drug addicts? You would like it, right? So why do it onto others?

To insult others is not a way to start any civil communication.
You could preach against any race, gender or sexual orientation, that is your freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
Just think of who you are representing when you use hatred filled words against women, non Chinese, and homosexuals. Do you represent love of God or personal bias/prejudice/dislike/hatred?

I hope all Christians who hold prejudice against others would repent, including those who are prejudice against homosexuals.

Slippery-slope, gay marriage, law, morality

Thanks all the feedbacks. These are way above my expectation.

Just to be clear at the outset, the slippery slope in my slippery-slope argument against legalizing gay marriage is social morality. It is a slippery slope because of the desensitizing and contagious effects of sins.

It is common human experience that the more we decide to act against our conscience and against God's laws, the more likely our heart will become callous and hence we are more likely to fall into further temptation and sins even more. As one of the Chinese saying goes, "to do it once is dirty; to do it twice is filthy". In economic parlance, the marginal costs of sinning tend to decrease as we sin more. Once we get our hands dirty with the first sinful act, it does not really make our hands much dirtier by committing further sins.

Moreover, sins are contagious. The more we see our peers and neighbours do something bad, the less shameful and the more inclined we are to follow suit by doing the same or other sins.

Gordon Wong wrote:

I don’t understand the relevancy between objecting to the slippery-slope argument and how we personally feel about sexual activities of our relatives.

Like homosexuality and gay marriage, those sexual misdeeds of our relatives which I hypothesized are sinful acts that, to different degrees, deviate from God's moral laws regarding human sexuality and marriage. The reason I mentioned them and asked for the response of those objecting to my use of slippery-slope argument is that they are sins that, in spite of years of brainwashing and liberal propaganda, are still being viewed as repugnant by a majority of the general public. By placing them side-by-side with homosexuality and gay marriage, I hope to help my readers to see their inconsistency of strongly objecting to one set of unbiblical acts while accepting or being highly sympathetic to homosexuality and gay marriage. This is also the main thrust of my original slippery-slope argument.

As I can see it, there are two main objections to the use of slippery-slope argument against the legalizing gay marriage.

One is that gay marriage may not lead to the legalization the other, more deplorable, sexual relationships.

A second objection is that homosexuality/ gay marriage is a significantly different moral issue than the other more objectionable issues like polygamy, incest and bestiality. My use of the hypothesized sexual misdeeds of the objectors' relatives and their awful consequences help address this second objection.

As for the first objection of whether or not it is likely that legalization of polygamy, bestiality, and incest may follow, my other postings provide some inputs and indicators (especially regarding polygamy. If this is deemed insufficient, may I remind my readers (especially those in the US) that it will just take one decision by the US Supreme Court case to make the legalization in the US of such pervert relationships a reality. And we can be almost be certain that anti-Christian organizations like ACLU (the American Civil Liberty Union) will do their utmost to encourage this to happen. In the highly litigatious culture of US, there will be no shortage of potential plaintiffs for such court cases, who may consider themselves heroes in civil right activism.

By the way, there are a lot of liberal scholors who do not believe that Bible is against homosexuality by adducing various sorts of cultural contexts to confine the application of those anti-homosexual verses to the particular cultures in which those biblical books were written. I will not go into these here. If anyone is interested, I may point them to some liberal and conservative commentaries on this hermaneutical issue.

Gordon Wong wrote:

(1) Did I do everything possible to teach him the right lifestyle? -- How is slippery slope applicable here? Aren’t conservatives always saying that it is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children what’s right and what’s wrong (and why conservatives are against teaching good diet habit, exercise etc. in school)? When you apply slippery slope, you are saying that if gay marriage is legalized, then parents can no longer teach their children that gay is wrong? This just doesn’t make sense. Gambling is now legal almost everywhere, can I not tell my children that gambling is wrong? Soda soft-drink is definitely legal. Does this mean that parents cannot refuse their kid’s demand for soft-drink?

I have never written that parents can no longer teach their children that gay is wrong. The problem is that once gay marriage become legal, schools and media can tell our kids with a much firmer and louder voice that gay sex is good and gay marriage is as normal as heterosexual marriage. Conversely, voices against homosexuality and gay relationship will be repressed and banished from the public arena. This will make your life as parents much much harder.

Gordon Wong wrote:

An interesting note and question to conservatives: if family teaching is so important, how come we have so many well-known conservative politicians with gay and lesbian children and family members (e.g. Dick Cheney, Alan Keyes, Pat Buchannen etc.)

Yes, these incidents are sad, but conservatives are fighting an uphill battle against the degrading moral influences and pressures in the public arena. I don't know about how VP Dick Cheney, Alan Keyes, and Pat Buchannen raised and taught their kids. But the fact that their kids chose not to follow their parents' example, practice, and teaching does not necessarily imply that their parents had not tried.

Gordon Wong wrote:

Will legalizing gay marriage reduce this risk by encouraging long term, committed relationship?

I doubt it. Sometime ago, I read of some statistics from the Western European countries where gay marriage has been legalized. These show that many gays choose not to wed anyway. As I see it, the main reason the homosexuals fight for the legalization of gay marriages is not to get legally wedded and to form a legal family, but to gain acceptance of their abnormal lifestyles and to not feel rejected and inferior by their nations and communities. In this regard, it is closely similar to the atheist surgeon-lawyer Micheal Newdow in California who sued the US government against voluntary swearing the Pledge of Allegiance in the public schools and against the use of Bible in President Bush's 2004 inauguration ceremony. What Newdow really wants is not to feel inferior being an atheist in a Christian-dominated US culture. Sadly, for both Newdow and gay marriage fighters, they chose the wrong approaches to try to meet a genuine need (the need to be accepted by their communities and culture). To the extent I believe that God is real, that the Bible teaches against homosexuality and that such moral laws are written in people's hearts (as the Book of Romans teaches), I don't believe that real social acceptance may be forced and imposed by a piece of legislation or court decision, even if Newdow and the homosexuals had won their cases legally.

Gordon Wong wrote:

I made this statement in another article on football gambling: If we want to criminalize all immoral behavior, then why don’t we also criminalize all the restaurants selling unhealthy; exotic food?

And I think not long ago you were the one strongly arguing against government regulation of business activities. Why are conservatives so obsessed about one kind of sin (sexual behavior) but willing to look the other-way for all other sinful activities under the disguise of “free market economy”?

Yes, I agree that not all immoral acts should be criminalized. In fact, I remember that, in my reply to you, I list out some criteria for judging whether not government control in a free-market economy is justified. Similar criteria (and possibly others) may be applied for deciding whether or not an immoral act should be criminalized, as follows:

1. the sources of the free-market failures can be clearly identified (e.g. smoking, obesity, emssion from vehicles, pollution from specific industries, land use, and industrial establishment, the use of seat-belt)

2. the scope and impact of those free-market failures can be fairly precisely assessed,

3. the costs of enforcing legislation (and assessing/ collecting the tax, if it is a tax legislation) do not exceed their benefits

4. the government control is not too intrusive into the citizen's privacy.

As far as gay marriage is concerned, I think it should remain illegal because the cost of enforcing the prohibition by refusing to issuing marriage licenses to the gay /lesbian couples is relatively low, and the benefit of this prohibition to society is high.

As far as I know, conservatives in the US did not choose to be obsessed with the issues of homosexuality and gay marriage. It is that such issues are forced upon us by the social liberals and civil right activists. Liberals like to brag that they do not force their values on others. But in the case of the hate crime legislation and the legalization of gay marriage, they are making use of every legal and political resources accessible to them to impose acceptance of their perverted practice on the conservatives, and we have no choice but to resist and fight back.

Kar Yan Ng
2005-02-19 16:21:56

Response by Gordon Wong

I think that you have clarified some of your positions. But I like to call your attention to several issues related to inconsistency in your logic:

1. It is not unreasonable to speculate based on slippery slope that legalization of gay marriage may lead to further collapse of sexual morality. But slippery slope is a two-edged sword. You have to be consistent in your approaches to government regulation. Giving the government power to regulate “morality” is a very serious and dangerous issue, clearly inconsistent with the US constitution on freedom of religion.

Someone against government regulation can easily argue that: Today government can ban gay marriage. Tomorrow it can then regulate extra marital sex. Next year it can regulate immoral hard-core publications; then soft-core; then books containing “immoral” description of sexual activities; then books containing messages found by those in power as immoral … This is just a valid argument based on slippery slope as yours. And from history we know that given the opportunity, governments will do this!

In the US, slippery slope has never been accepted as a valid logic to support a piece of legislation.

2. Now applying your four criteria for criminalization, just look at your first criteria:

the sources of the free-market failures can be clearly identified (e.g. smoking, obesity, emission from vehicles, pollution from specific industries, land use, and industrial establishment, the use of seat-belt) …

As far as gay marriage is concerned, I think it should remain illegal because the cost of enforcing the prohibition by refusing to issuing marriage licenses to the gay /lesbian couples is relatively low, and the benefit of this prohibition to society is high.

In the area of marriage and sexual activities, what’s the role of the free market and where had the free market failed? How can you assess scope and impact of this failure?

Your own logic to criminalize (or regulate) gay marriage fails here! You reached your third and forth criteria without meeting (or even discussing) your first two criteria. You can’t set up a standard, and then violate your own standard to get to your conclusion.

3. I have never written that parents can no longer teach their children that gay is wrong. The problem is that once gay marriage become legal, schools and media can tell our kids with a much firmer and louder voice that gay sex is good and gay marriage is as normal as heterosexual marriage. Conversely, voices against homosexuality and gay relationship will be repressed and banished from the public arena. This will make your life as parents much much harder.

Your logic appears to be:
If gay marriage is legalized -> louder voice that gay sex is good -> voices against homosexuality and gay relationship will be repressed and banished from the public area

But in this logic, at least at the 2nd link, is without merit. Consider the following example:
Extra-marital sex is legalized -> louder voice that extra-marital sex is good (I think this is a valid observation) -> Voice against extra-marital sex is repressed and banished from the public area (This is clearly a false statement, discussion about the ill of extra-martial sex is going on all the time.)

Again, I want to point out that we are actually having the same conclusion regarding gay marriage – it should remain illegal. But if all Christians can offer are just these illogical statements, I am afraid that we will lose this battle again, just the same way we lost the battle on football gambling.

The key, in my opinion, is to argue against legalization of gay marriage by concentrating on the issue of destabilization of family and society from a secular perspective. Years of left-wing social engineering already has given us lots of data on why we need stable family with biological parents. We cannot force the secular world to accept Christian moral standards, but it is human nature to want stable families.

The Final Destination

Once these kinds of things become legalized, it would be hard for anyone to remain neutral on these issues. Based on the experience in Canada, publicly denouncing homosexuality will become a crime. Schools will be required to teach our children that homosexuality is a normal form of sexual activity and relationship.

Speaking against homosexuality in church may properly be exempted in the beginning, but the interpretation of the laws is in always the hands of the judges who will become more and more liberal and sympathetic with the homosexuals.

Moreover, legalization of Gay Right and Gay Marriage is most unlikely to be the final destination. Once these practices become accepted, it is highly that the fight for the legalization of other sexual relationship and orientation will follow: polygamy, polyandry, incest, bestiality, ..

By Kar Yan Ng
2005-02-18 00:04:04

虞瑋倩 回應 2005-02-18 00:42:41
你認為﹐如果容許同性婚姻合法化﹐人家一定爭取polygamy, polyandry, incest, bestiality等合法化﹐你其實有點把論據推得太過。
就以亂倫和人獸交﹐我相信你還未﹑將來也不會找到研究或者數據證明這是遺傳或者是與生俱來的行為﹐而且已經有共識﹐這種所謂“關係”是建立在權力/力量不平衡的侵犯/佔有關係上面﹐在本質上面和同性戀雙方的關係 (就當是 partner) 仍然有很大分別的。我不覺得你把同性戀和這些行為等同是一個合理的論據﹐而且你的推論是犯了滑波謬誤。