The Final Destination
Once these kinds of things become legalized, it would be hard for anyone to remain neutral on these issues. Based on the experience in Canada, publicly denouncing homosexuality will become a crime. Schools will be required to teach our children that homosexuality is a normal form of sexual activity and relationship.
Speaking against homosexuality in church may properly be exempted in the beginning, but the interpretation of the laws is in always the hands of the judges who will become more and more liberal and sympathetic with the homosexuals.
Moreover, legalization of Gay Right and Gay Marriage is most unlikely to be the final destination. Once these practices become accepted, it is highly that the fight for the legalization of other sexual relationship and orientation will follow: polygamy, polyandry, incest, bestiality, ..
By Kar Yan Ng
2005-02-18 00:04:04
虞瑋倩 回應 2005-02-18 00:42:41
你認為﹐如果容許同性婚姻合法化﹐人家一定爭取polygamy, polyandry, incest, bestiality等合法化﹐你其實有點把論據推得太過。
就以亂倫和人獸交﹐我相信你還未﹑將來也不會找到研究或者數據證明這是遺傳或者是與生俱來的行為﹐而且已經有共識﹐這種所謂“關係”是建立在權力/力量不平衡的侵犯/佔有關係上面﹐在本質上面和同性戀雙方的關係 (就當是 partner) 仍然有很大分別的。我不覺得你把同性戀和這些行為等同是一個合理的論據﹐而且你的推論是犯了滑波謬誤。
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